Private Work
Combining our professional arborists with the equipment needed to handle every situation, we are the first choice in tree care. From clearing lots to view jobs, to cutting that huge tree leaning over your house, we can get it done fast and safely. From no clean up jobs to total clean up, we can remove that tree and plant you a new one.
We are fully insured and offer free estimates.
Services We Provide:
- Removals
- Dead Wooding
- Brush Grinding
- Stump Removal
- Tree Planting
- Fertilization
- Cabling & Bracing
- View Trimming & Cutting
- Landscaping
- Retaining Walls
- Brush Hogging of Dense Areas
- Deer Repellent for Flowers & Shrubs
- Winter Deer Repellent for Trees
- Wood Splitting
- Hazardous Tree Evaluation
- Herbicide Treatments
- Plant Growth Regulators
- Custom Wood Fencing Installation
- 24 Hour Emergency Storm Work
- Winter (or Off-Season) House Checks
Tree Health Care
Tree health care is more than just tree removals and trimming.
For close to 50 years now Dave's Tree Services has been treating trees. In fact, we would rather treat your tree and save it instead of having to cut it down.
Over the years we’ve realized trees can have many issues, whether it’s boring insects, funguses, or just lacking nutrients, most of the time these issues are easy to correct. We’ve even had great success with applying growth regulators to trees to slow the growth where space is limited.
Let us check out your trees to give you an honest evaluation. Such as: Do the trees really need to be removed, or can the trees be saved with a simple effective treatment?
Our area has been hit lately with a lot of tree problems that many people are unaware of or are just becoming familiar with. Like the Emerald Ash Borer problem, or scale insect. Then there is treating of the evergreens for funguses, or the Dutch Elm disease that's been around for years. We can apply a tree growth regulator for trees that are getting too big for their space, and also helps for a better root system and in return a healthier tree.
Or perhaps your tree just needs a good deep root fertilization. As you can see by the list above, there are many tree disorders that can be effectively corrected, and we have been doing so for many years.
For more detailed information on these issues give our office a call and speak directly to a tree healthcare specialist.
Electric Utility Work
We do electric utility maintenance throughout Northeast Wisconsin. The approach we use is based totally on IVM, Integrated Vegetation Management. Whether the project calls for trimming, removals, mowing of dense areas, applying herbicide treatments, and plant growth regulators – we can handle every situation. From service drops to a home or maintaining transmission right-of-ways, we will provide the right solution for your project needs. We have the resources needed to make work safer and more cost efficient. All utility work performed is done in accordance with ANSI, A300, and ANSI Z133.1 arboricultural operations safety requirements.
Another benefit of using Dave's Tree Services is that the work is managed by a CMP program - Constant Managed Productivity. Our tree crews would be under constant supervision to make certain of maximum productivity each and every day.
Consulting Solutions
- Program Assessments
- Project Planning
- Cycle Scheduling Plans
- Hazardous Tree Evaluation
- Research
- Regulatory Compliance Assistance
- Reliability Improvement Strategies
Services for Contract Personnel:
- Field Coordination
- Work Planning
- Special Customized Projects
- Storm Recovery Services
- Notification for Property Owners
- Personal Customer Service